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Stephen Hawking School

Home/School Liaison

 Pupil photo

At Stephen Hawking School, we welcome the involvement of parents/carers in all aspects of school life. We believe that, if children are to reach their potential, parents/carers need to be involved in their son or daughter’s education. Education does not simply happen in school, it is an ongoing part of everyone’s life.

Parents/Carers are welcome to come into school at any time. However, we do ask them not to disturb classes and that if they want to speak to a member of staff, at length, that an appointment is made.

Most parents/carers do not see their son or daughter’s class teacher regularly and we recognise the difficulties that arise as a result of this. To try and address some of these issues, Jasmin, our Home/School Liaison Officer, maintains a high level of daily contact with most parents/carers.

All parents/carers are invited into school for special celebrations such as Christmas and Eid and are provided with detailed information about school events via our Parent Planner and weekly newsletters. All parents/carers are welcome to join us for our good work assemblies on Fridays.